Describing the Dataflow
Please check the "About Persephone" page: we updated the text by adding a Dataflow section that describes the typical data...
Please check the "About Persephone" page: we updated the text by adding a Dataflow section that describes the typical data...
We expanded our repository of public genomes by adding one more genome assembly with annotation: corn cultivar Mo17. Aligning it...
The genome sequences and gene annotation of Solanum lycopersicum (tomato SL3.0) have been loaded from Phytozome v.13. We added NCBI's Gnomon...
We have added a new track to the vertical view of maps - a GC-content track, previously shown in the...
ClinVar is a freely accessible, public archive of reports of the relationships among human variations and phenotypes, with supporting evidence. We have...
If you have worked with the wheat or human genome, you are probably familiar with a typical long wait for getting BLAST...
We have replaced an older Lucene search engine with a more advanced Apache Solr. We are very pleased with the results of...
We have mapped ~ 700K marker sequences from Illumina's OmniExpress 24 v.1.3 onto the latest version of human genome GRCh38 and...
We have uploaded the version DM_v4.03 of the potato genome (Solanum tuberosum). Here is the list of tracks: Gene models...
A new track with the latest annotation by NCBI's Gnomon (Feb.2019) pipeline has been added to Homo sapiens GRCh38 data...