Added two more Medicago sativa genomes
We added Medicago sativa (alfalfa) genome assemblies: medsa.CADL_HM342.gnm1.rVNY and medsa.XinJiangDaYe.gnm1.12MR from Even with missing gene annotation on the...
We added Medicago sativa (alfalfa) genome assemblies: medsa.CADL_HM342.gnm1.rVNY and medsa.XinJiangDaYe.gnm1.12MR from Even with missing gene annotation on the...
We added a new feature to the Web version of Persephone. It allows users to merge several quantitative tracks (e.g.,...
We have compiled a table that lists the features of the two versions of Persephone. This will help overview the...
The Desktop (Windows) version can now show a new type of track: the sequence conservation track (indicated by the red...
In collaboration with our colleagues from KAUST, we have added 21 reference-quality rice genome assemblies to our web portal and...
The map set property form in the Windows version of Persephone has now a new tab: Statistics. It lists a...
We are pleased to welcome Malaysian Palm Oil Board into the growing community of Persephone users. MPOB is the government agency entrusted to...
We have expanded our collection of public data sets by adding several reference genomes of soybean: Glycine max (soybean) and...
We realized the need to have a specialized page listing the latest changes to our data loader application PersephoneShell. This...
We have added the data for 26 Zea mays reference genomes from the pan-genome project "Whole-Genome Assembly of the...