Potato DM_v4.03 and tomato SL3.0 genomes have been added
We have loaded the potato genome (DM_v4.03) with multiple annotation tracks showing gene models, mapped markers and repeats. To help assessing...
We have loaded the potato genome (DM_v4.03) with multiple annotation tracks showing gene models, mapped markers and repeats. To help assessing...
This was our second year attending the largest Ag-Genomics meeting in the world in San Diego CA. Many thanks to...
We are pleased to welcome Mars Wrigley Confectionery into the growing community of Persephone users. We are looking forward to...
We thought, the users might want to rearrange the map set tree on the left by adding, removing or relocating the nodes....
We have uploaded the wheat RH Maps (from IWGSC) with marker positions in cM. Persephone automatically links maps by common...
According to wheatgenome.org, all data related to the reference sequence of bread wheat, IWGSC RefSeq v1.0, are available without restriction. We would...
We have loaded two versions of soybean genome. You now can compare individual chromosome pairs to see how genomic regions...
Many thanks to all the visitors who stopped by our booth at PAG, as well as those who attended Max...
We are happy to announce that the first pilot version of Persephone for Web has been rolled out at http://web.persephonesoft.com. Our...
We are exploring the new web technologies. Our first version of Persephone for Web will run in a browser using...