Three Echinochloa genomes loaded
We have added three genomes of Echinochloa grasses. These are weeds known by the common names barnyard grass or corn panic grass. In...
We have added three genomes of Echinochloa grasses. These are weeds known by the common names barnyard grass or corn panic grass. In...
We have expanded our collection by adding four Brassica genomes: Brassica rapa Fpc_v1.3, Brassica rapa Chiifu v3.5, Brassica oleracea v1.0,...
The web version of Persephone has now a few new features. Highlights Drag the mouse while holding Ctrl key to highlight a...
Our system at has a couple of newly added cocoa genomes:Theobroma cacao (Criollo v2)Theobroma cacao (Matina v2) Comparing the cocoa...
We added a new functionality to Persephone - it can now accept modbam files with base modification values commonly used...
We are pleased to announce that the paper called "Pan-genome inversion index reveals evolutionary insights into the subpopulation structure of...
The users can now control the list of available tracks for each map set. As you probably know, a track...
The Persephone software stack includes several components: the mono framework, the database, the API server, the search engine with Java...
We just posted this video that was rolling at our booth at PAG to Youtube. It is a very quick...
Now you can export the DNA sequence of any part of a map or the entire genome. The web application has...