
Wheat RH Genetic Maps Have Been Loaded

12:14 24 July 2018 in Web Version

We have uploaded the wheat RH Maps (from IWGSC) with marker positions in cM. Persephone automatically links maps by common markers, so, if you align a chromosome map based on sequence with a corresponding genetic map, the tracks with markers on both maps will appear to be connected. The same visualization, based on orthologous gene pairs, is also available for revealing the synteny between chromosomes of wheat and rice. In wheat, if you align A chromosomes vs. B chromosomes, you can visualize similarity and structural rearrangements between them. See this in action:

Two pairs of sequence-based maps are aligned, showing synteny between chromosomes: A1 vs B1 and A2 vs B2

A genetic map 3B is aligned with a sequence-based map of 3B chromosome of wheat