
Three Echinochloa genomes loaded

15:55 07 August 2023 in General News, Web Version

We have added three genomes of Echinochloa grasses. These are weeds known by the common names barnyard grass or corn panic grass. In particular, the species are: Echinochloa oryzicola (late barnyard grass), Echinochloa crusgalli (cockspur (or cockspur grass), barnyard milletJapanese milletwater grasscommon barnyard grass) and Echinochloa colona (jungle / wild ricedeccan grassjharua or awnless barnyard grass).

Aligning the respective chromosomes is easy by using the orthologous genes. The Echinochloa genomes have 6 sets of chromosomes. A dot plot of paralog gene pairs easily illustrates their structure:

Genes of E.chrusgalli are compared on the level of protein sequences. Each dot is a pair of paralogs placed in a genome context according to the gene location.
An example alignment of chromosomes from the three species. Each line connects orthologous genes.

See this alignment in Persephone: