Scientists Publish Nine Quinoa Genomes, Hosting Them in Persephone
It was a pleasure collaborating with scientists from KAUST, INRAE, and other institutions on our recent publication in Nature, titled “Genome assembly of a diversity panel of Chenopodium quinoa.” As part of this collaboration, we uploaded nine quinoa genomes to our web portal at
Beyond the analysis detailed in the manuscript, users of our portal can apply Persephone tools to investigate synteny and structural variations in the quinoa genomes. Features like Multimap and Synteny Matrix facilitate the quick identification of the best matching maps to a selected reference, clustering individual ortholog gene pairs into “ribbon” connectors to simplify pangenome visualization. The graphics are highly interactive, ensuring that you arrive at conclusions in the most comfortable way. The detailed instructions for using Multimap are published here.

Chromosomes from nine quinoa genomes are aligned by using Multimap feature in Persephone.