
Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) genomes loaded

20:39 18 March 2024 in General News, Web Version

We added three genomes of ryegrass. Two of them (Kyuss_39 and Kyuss v2.0) are two versions of the same variety. The new version (Kyuss v2.0) represents a much-improved assembly of the doubled haploid perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) genotype Kyuss. The third genome (Lolium perenne 2.6.1, genotype P226/135/16) was described in an earlier paper. Aligning all three genomes can be done by linking orthologous gene pairs. Comparing the old and the new versions of Kyuss clearly shows the regions where the assembly was corrected.

Chromosome 1 from Lolium_2.6.1, Kyuss v2.0 and Kyuss_39 chromosomes are aligned by connecting the orthologous genes.
The new version of Persephone (described separately) now shows statistics for map sets.