
Coffea canephora genome added

20:54 12 December 2023 in General News, Web Version

Our collection of coffee genomes has got another entry: Coffea canephora (DH200-94). All four coffee genomes are cross-linked by using the ortholog gene pairs.

Chromosome 1 for four Coffea genomes: C. humblotiana, C. eugenioides, C. canehora, and C. arabica. The thin lines represent the orthologous gene pairs.

A more schematic picture of the aligned synteny regions can be produced by using Persephone’s new feature – the real-time minimap2 alignment.

The alignment produced by minimap2

The list of tracks for Coffea canephora includes a BAM track with RNA-seq reads that helps assess the quality of gene models in the annotation track.

The RNA-seq data (orange bars) suggest that the two separate models in the top track (green) should be merged into one.

Each gene has expression values for 6 tissues grouped into a separate tab:
