Ryegrass (Lolium perenne) genomes loaded
We added three genomes of ryegrass. Two of them (Kyuss_39 and Kyuss v2.0) are two versions of the same variety....
We added three genomes of ryegrass. Two of them (Kyuss_39 and Kyuss v2.0) are two versions of the same variety....
As you probably know, in Greek mythology, the Persephone story has something to do with the pomegranate seeds. So, we...
Two genomes of Cenchrus americanus (pearl millet) sequenced at KAUST have been added to our collection. These are 29Aw and...
We have loaded three genomes for blueberry species (Vaccinium corymbosum and Vaccinium darrowii).There are two haploid Vaccinium darrowii genomes (pri...
Encouraged by communication with the scientists at the Plant and Animal Genome conference, we loaded another large genome (Avena sativa...
The International Weed Genomics Consortium (IWGC) provides a platform for private and public collaboration to develop genomic tools and resources...
Our collection of coffee genomes has got another entry: Coffea canephora (DH200-94). All four coffee genomes are cross-linked by using...
For each aligned NGS read, we have added a detailed view. If you click the read on a BAM/CRAM track,...
We are pleased to announce that The Kazusa DNA Research Institute has licensed Persephone. Our tool will be used at...
A new work called "Chromosome-scale assembly of the wild wheat relative Aegilops umbellulata" has been published in Nature. The data for...