New data set: Wheat 2.8 M SNPs on IWGSC v2.1
We have added a new set of SNPs for the wheat genome (IWGSC v2.1). The VCF file with the variants...
We have added a new set of SNPs for the wheat genome (IWGSC v2.1). The VCF file with the variants...
A simple trick will help you opening the web version of Persephone as an application in its own browser window....
We're pleased to extend a warm welcome to Starke Ayres at the Persephone club! Starke Ayres stands as the largest independent...
In addition to the popular versions of the Human genome, such as GRCh38 or CHM13v2, we now host full assemblies...
A small but useful feature has been added: changing some properties of quantitative tracks can be applied to all visible...
We are excited to announce the new version of Persephone which brings major feature updates. A bird's-eye view of the genome...
We added three genomes of ryegrass. Two of them (Kyuss_39 and Kyuss v2.0) are two versions of the same variety....
As you probably know, in Greek mythology, the Persephone story has something to do with the pomegranate seeds. So, we...
Two genomes of Cenchrus americanus (pearl millet) sequenced at KAUST have been added to our collection. These are 29Aw and...
We have loaded three genomes for blueberry species (Vaccinium corymbosum and Vaccinium darrowii).There are two haploid Vaccinium darrowii genomes (pri...