
Vigna unguiculata (cowbean) genome loaded

19:38 13 September 2021 in Web Version

We have added the genome of Vigna unguiculata v1.2 (cowbean) with gene annotation to our web version of Persephone. The calculated orthologs between cowbean and soybean genes allow visualizing the synteny intervals between the two genomes. We also downloaded the low-resolution set of “ribbon-like” connectors from that give a somewhat cleaner picture of genome comparison.

Alignment of the first chromosome Vu01 (the large map in the middle) of cowbean with syntenic chromosomes of soybean using ortholog gene pairs. (bookmark in Web Persephone)
Using pre-calculated ribbon-like connectors that link the regions of similarity between cowbean chromosome Vu01 and syntenic chromosomes of soybean (bookmark in Web Persephone)