KAUST Licenses Persephone

We are pleased to welcome King Abdullah University of Science and Technology into the growing community of Persephone users.
One of the top-ranking institutions, KAUST advances science and technology through distinctive and collaborative research integrated with graduate education. To learn more about our new customer, visit their website at https://www.kaust.edu.sa/en.
At first, the Center for Desert Agriculture, led by Dr. Rod Wing, will use Persephone in their research of the rice pan-genome using a set of 16 platinum standard reference genomes that span the full genetic diversity of Asian rice (Zhao et al. 2020 – https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-0438-2).
We are certain that a fruitful collaboration will make the work of KAUST scientists more productive, while allowing the Persephone team to benefit from their experience in order to further improve the software.